Game against The Slapping Studs!

Saturday, 11 September, 2021 - 13:00 to 16:00

Hey Messed Uppers,

Some great news for you! Next Saturday, on11th of September at 13:00 in SC1 of UTwe will play a match against the ice hockey association 'The Slapping Studs!' Hopefully, with this game, we will begin a new tradition for both our associations to gather together twice a year and play a floorball match on one day and an ice hockey match on another. Do not miss this opportunity to compete against fellow student athletes in floorball now and to try yourself in an ice hockey match afterwards, when the Ijsbaan Twente will have opened its doors again!

This time, we will first make a little practice, in order to introduce the ice hockey players to our sport and make them feel comfortable on our territory. Afterwards, we will play a full 3*20 min 5x5 game.

If you would like to participate, please sign up below!